New Thought & Positive Psychology in Reverse

44 Women Celebrated The Red Tent at Joy Gardens

We’ve all been told to stop dwelling on the past and on things that make us unhappy. You don’t need to be a New Thought or Oprah Unity follower to see the positive vibrations emanating outward from Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and even the more business-directed Linkedin. I love this exciting, uplifting, spiritual energy!

But, what do you do when sadness wells up and you feel like crying? I’ve been in the depths of darkness with my broken heart hurting so badly I had trouble breathing. I wanted my heart to burst so I would die. After all, it felt like a real heart attack. Why not let it kill me and put me out of misery? You may not have lost a child and a husband, but you most likely have lived through a broken heart.

Besides tragedies, everyday hardships cause endless suffering. When we pull ourselves up by leaning on each other and concentrating on the goodness surrounding us, we feel happiness. You get what you concentrate on, so why not think about the flowers, birds, and loving friends? Perhaps you desire so many things that you concentrate on your personal material goals and wonder why you’re still not happy.

Positive Psychology in Reverse

Try this easy, quick (only three questions) exercise without cheating yourself and reading ahead. Get a piece of paper or open a new screen. If you take the extra seconds to write down each question by long hand, your brain helps you fill in the answers.

Dwell for a moment on your discontent.

1. What makes me feel discontented? Write down a few things that make you restless, unhappy. Don’t over-think. Just jot.

Stop and Smell the Roses

2. What do I desire to ease the discontent? Next, write down what you long for to replace your discontent.


3. What are my decisions to take action to change? Base your decisions on what’s your highest sense of good for others, for you, for your life, for your business.

Your decisions form your destiny! Some days, it pays to let your unhappiness help you change your life. Discontent shapes desire. Desire sparks decisions. Decisions structure destiny. It’s your life. Chose joy!

Join us for a fun day of self-discovery at my home and celebrate. Click on the photo below after you share–>

What did you learn about yourself?

Please share your thoughts below in the comment section. It’s also Sweet to Share on Twitter, Facebook…Thank YOU!

Click on the postcard and experience my new book fun day retreat with chocolate & champagne…

How to Have Better Sex, Lose Weight, Make Millions, and Eat My late husband Brian inspired the title.

howtohavebetter (2)

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