Joy to Detroit! Change Agents Bring Hope to Blight

Don’t you love the way we learn about good news online? One story takes you to another great source and you just keep going deeper.

First I read The Christian  Science Monitor’s Change Agent article:

Detroit charity turns blight into gardens, parks, and homes

Motor City Blight Busters is fighting to bring Detroit back one abandoned building and one vacant lot at a time. The nonprofit demolishes abandoned buildings that are beyond repair, renovates homes, and cleans up parks and illegal dump sites….

This article  by By Nicole Wallace originally appeared in The Chronicle of Philanthropy.

Motor City Blight Busters reminded me of people I call “Change Agents” in Detroit. I met  Myrtle and Wayne Curtis, founders of “Feedom Freedom” organization in Detroit, Michigan. I wondered how they were doing after all this time, so I looked them up on Facebook and found their organization thriving. I’m thrilled for them and for Detroit.

Here is the video we filmed…

Tweet Me Right: Feedom Freedom, Detroit from Joy TV on Vimeo.

Who do you think should be honored as a “Change Agent?”


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