I’ve Been to the Edge and Back!

 Hello from Jeanette JOY,

This photo was taken by me in Melbourne, Australia from a place called The Edge. What’s interesting to me, I googled The Edge Melbourne Australia and came up with my forgotten old blog post about my visit. More on that post at the end of this.

I want to share my journey from Depression to Joy.

Some of my readers know my personal story and how I choose life instead of driving off Ortega Mountain. The still, small voice told me I could turn my life in a new direction, so I did. I turned my Mustang convertible to follow the road. I made new memories and had fun.

Just when I thought I had everything figured out, I got slammed again. Has this ever happened to you? How many times have you reinvented yourself?

2016 was a big year for me. It started out with another bout of extreme depression caused by grief. My low point, like the edge of a cliff, a knife edge, or the edge of night–a black hole–seemed to shroud me so I couldn’t do anything. I couldn’t pray or meditate. One day, I sang childhood hymns. My voice is so out of tune, I had to laugh. I asked God, “What do I do to stop these painful life lessons?” The answer came to me, like a father scolding a child. “Jeanette, get over yourself and go help people.”

I reconnected with old friends and started going to events again. Helping others made me happy! More friends began calling me Joy. I faked Joy until I became JOY!

I’m uniquely qualified to help others because of the tribulations I had. I’m helping friends and entrepreneurs with free publicity. All my hacked websites are being rebuilt for Joint Publicity and Content Marketing.

Twitter was grief therapy for me. “Tweeting my life away” means I can promote with influence today. Tag your tweet with #JOYexpress and I will follow and retweet you.

I hope you never endure the pain I felt. If you ever do, try singing, dancing, anything to get yourself laughing. Ask God for your direction to a happy life. And, it may even be time for you to get over yourself and go help others.

How can I help you? Please answer below.


PS The other blog post on The Edge in Melbourne, Australia  (Does Google only list this post when I search?)

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Jeanette Joy on Instragram?

So many new sites appear and then just fade away. I got tired of building accounts only to see them be a huge waste of time. I never expected Instagram to be more that another social media fad. What I didn’t expect was to find it FUN! This is my most liked photo. I like others better. I was happy to see over 100 Hearts. My grandson Alden Blake has over 10,000 Likes on many of his photos! You can find me at JeanetteJoy on Instagram.

Frosted Sky #sunset

A photo posted by Jeanette Joy (@jeanettejoyfisher) on

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Branding JOY!

Everyone has been talking about branding for years. I branded several websites and entrepreneurial pursuits over the 16 years I’ve been playing/working online. My friend Chaz DeSimone helped me on and off. I created many designs myself because I understand design psychology. I was wrong. Design psychology for homes is different from branding graphic design. For the first time ever, I hired Chaz to rebrand me and gave him free creative license.

Chaz took my favorite colors from a photo I gave him of clothes in my closet and exploded JOY.

I can feel my definition of Joy every time I see my new logo.

“Joy is Love in action.” Can you feel it?


My Favicon is so small on the website navigation line, I just had to share the full-size design with you.

Thanks to Chaz at DesimoneDesign.com for creating my new JOY brand logos, banners, and updating my book covers.








joytothehome-logoEmail logo

Find out what Chaz can do for YOU!


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Do YOU Blog?

Long ago in the time before social media, people started talking about Blogs and Blogging. I hoped it was a fad and would naturally die. The only reason: I don’t like the sound of the word blog. Worse than some four-letter words, blog sounds like fingernails scraping chalkboard to me. I’d much rather be on a beach somewhere in warm water floating and watching clouds.
Cribbean Island
For nearly a year, this blog has been broken. I didn’t miss writing posts here because I poured my heart on on Facebook and Twitter. However, my new publishing company (partly me) expects authors to blog. I’d rather say write.

So, let’s do this thing. Let’s blog. Let’s write. Let’s share content with the world. I’m going to write my best tips for social media, buying and selling real estate, sex psychology, and traveling. What are you blogging about? Do you like blogging? Let’s meetup after on a Caribbean Island. Deal?